sister-hood is an award-winning digital magazine spotlighting the diverse voices of women of Muslim heritage.


Dea Safira Basori

A Javanese Feminist beating all odds to find her true love, life and passion.

Understanding female terrorists

In recent years, Indonesia has seen an increase in female terrorism. The case I remember most was the story of Dian Yuli Novi, a former Indonesian migrant worker who had intended to perform a suicide bombing at the Presidential Palace…

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Fundamentalism kills!

The past few days, my WhatsApp group has been filled with news about COVID-19. People are apparently choosing to ignore public announcements warning them to stay at home by choosing to attend a mass gathering instead. One of these was…

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FeministFest: Indonesia

Who would have thought that the most populated Muslim country in the world would be bold enough to revive the Feminist Festival, once held over a decade ago? The Jakarta Feminists’ Discussion Group, consisting of feminists from all different background…

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Not Muslim enough

I get frustrated when I read narratives about Muslim women. I also get confused because these narratives often lack the voices of women who were raised in Muslim communities outside the Middle East. It may sound petty, but I barely…

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Dear Father

Dear Father I know to you I am your only Daughter But I am my own person now Father I know it’s hard to set me free But I am not in any ease I know my choices are not…

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They say that we’re women

They say that we’re Queens     but a queen who can never rule her own kingdom They say that we’re Jewelry     but we’re not allowed to show how pretty and shiny we can be They say that our bodies are Precious…

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sister-hood is currently on hiatus whilst we work on our relaunch. The site will still be available for your reading pleasure.

We'd like to thank all of our readers and contributors for their support over the years and look forward to coming back bigger, better and stronger.

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