April 4. 2016 | The Times | ‘What are the Isis brides running from?’
April 29th 2016 | The Mirror | ‘Muslim women can save the world from ISIS’ says Bafta nominated film maker
May 18th 2016 | Al Jazeera | Magazine about Muslim women aims to highlight diversity
June 1st 2016 | BBC World | sister-hood interview with founder and editor-in-chief Deeyah Khan
June 6th 2016 | news.com.au | Deeyah Khan launches online magazine sister-hood aimed at giving Muslim women a voice
July 20th 2016 | Dagbladet | Norske Deeyah Khan jobber med Beyoncé og Salma Hayek (Norwegian)
August 1st 2016 | Klassekampen | Vil ha egen definisjonsmakt (Norwegian)
November 15th 2016 | Fett | Å eie sin egen historie (Norwegian)
November 15th 2016 | Aftenposten | Frykten for sterke jenter (Norwegian)