Photo © Kenza Saadi

New Year wishes for that little girl in Aleppo

I wish you love

The love that has no boundaries

The one of your mother’s smile.


I wish you silence

The silence with no echoes of cries

The one between the notes of music.


I wish you beauty

The beauty of an early morning

The one that rekindles your awe for life.


I wish you tenderness

The tenderness of your dressed-up dolls

The one with no ashes and no cries.


I wish you smiles

The smiles that draw themselves upon your lips

The ones that you cannot contain.


I wish you laughter also

The laughter that rhymes with silliness

The one that no memory may dim.


I wish you warmth

The warmth of sugar melting on your tongue

The one that makes you wiggle your toes.


I wish you tranquillity

The tranquillity of the breeze in your hair

The one that negates all fears.


I wish you healing

The healing of compassion

The one that leads to peace.


I wish you colours

The colours of infinite dreams

The ones that never go to war.


I wish you music

The music that stirs the soul

The one that will finally make you dance.


I wish you innocence habibti*

The innocence that was taken away from you

The one the world needs to heal.


You are our hope as humanity hurts.

You are the dream of a better tomorrow.

You are love hayati**.


* my darling / ** my life (words of endearment in Arabic)