Photo credit: Flickr / Eboni

Invisible to visible

I was there when you dragged me on cold floors forcing me to do your chores,
Screaming while you locked me in empty dark stores,
Telling me I was nothing but a whore,
While you knocked me through each and every door.

I was there when you took turns to slaughter my vein, Calling me names that truly were making me insane,
I was in so much pain,
Waiting to be striped once more with your cane.

I was there when I took a chance,
Playing music to dance,
Only to be told I was ugly and no one would ever romance. I often took a trance and fled to France.

I was there when I fell into another trap,
The one that led me to so much crap,
Holding onto darker lonely naps,
While left scarred with your hateful slaps.

I was there when you shut the door once more, As I faced the world at the end of the shore,
Wondering why it is a war.

Now you see I am here for you to be close and near,
Speaking of your sorrow that makes me wonder whether to hear, But my beloved one at last I have won.

I was always there with blood connection, today you forget not to mention.