sister-hood is an award-winning digital magazine spotlighting the diverse voices of women of Muslim heritage.


Moudhy Al-Rashid

Moudhy Al-Rashid is an historian and archaeologist of Saudi and Lebanese descent. She holds a BA from Columbia University and an MPhil and DPhil from the University of Oxford, where she is a postdoctoral researcher in ancient history. She is currently working on a memoir about coming of age as a young woman in Saudi Arabia and has recently started to blog at

Resistance, solidarity and Dina Ali

On April 10th, Dina Ali Lasloom, a 24-year-old Saudi woman, stepped off a plane in Manila on her way to seek asylum in Australia only to find herself detained by authorities in the airport. A video shows her left shoulder…

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On blood and shame

Where I come from, menstruation remains a topic too awkward or embarrassing to discuss in public or even in private. A topic that like the female body itself remains shrouded in secrecy. And stigma. And shame. So much stigma surrounds…

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To be an immigrant is still to be human

Being an immigrant has at times been scary, largely because being different can be scary. To be an immigrant is to be foreign, and to be foreign is to be different. One Akkadian word for “foreign” is nakrum, the same adjective used to mean “strange” and even…

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