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Salaam from my desi house
Full of noise and chatter
Smells of cooking
Spices and pakora batter
When I make the rotis
It’s got to be round not square
About twelve to make with five of us to share and care
Hard work living in an intergenerational house
Keeping space is not easy to do
Sometimes I forget and shout buzz off or Shoo shoo
But my parents are old and I’m not afraid
I fear for their health and try to be positive instead
OCD is now abundant via washing of hands
Including all the dishes, pots n pans
Food is a crutch, it keeps us going
As well as the daily walk to the local park
But as I make the journey the streets are bare and stark
Yet the big food shops are bustling
With people eager to buy more not less
So far were not in a complete mess
Lockdown is a way to maintain your humanity
I find peace in my own room where I can just be
Family life in a desi household isn’t easy
Particularly when you’re used to being free
We still have to be socially distant
Done in perseverance and insistence
Yet we’re still gong strong with the sharing over a hot meal
Eating separately but our hearts still feel
Life in limbo due to Covid19
Until it arrived, you wouldn’t have believed it till it was seen
So from an urban desi to a desi
I send my Hudafes, Greetings and Wa Laikum Salaam
Mussarat Rahman
Mussarat has been a practising artist for 20 years. She has more than 15 years’ experience in delivering creative, innovative and engaging workshops. Her writing reflects themes about life, social issues, love, passion and spirituality. The environment, places she has visited, and world issues inspire her.