sister-hood is an award-winning digital magazine spotlighting the diverse voices of women of Muslim heritage.




i see brown brothers

i see brown brothers break open their rib-cages to drink the urine of pale women. not-my-colour women. calling it sweet sweet mm-mmm sweet honey. these same brothers who close their backs on the molasses dripping thick from the hands of…

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The sound of a dying heart

Do you not hear the sound of hope falling? It shatters as it hits the ground It clinks, it clanks Do you know what words sound like as they disappear? It is a backwards whisper An uncomfortable removal of syllable,…

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Do not tell us to calm down

Do not tell us to calm down Do not tell us to shut up Do not tell us to back down When you never miss a chance To shoot our dreams with your laws like arrows But, do not forget…

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You say your background was the same as mine, And you’re a friend so I don’t want to make you feel bad But you’re getting wronger and wronger every time So I go along with it Longer and longer I…

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womanness: a poem film

There are times When I’m browsing through the market And I am struck By my Womanness It sneaks around the corner Maybe I’ll see it In the eyes of a stranger lingering too long In the gruff holler of a…

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Art as hope

I was really sad to hear about the death of the great Qawwali singer Amjad Fareed Sabri (b.1976) a few days ago. As so many obituaries and social comments following the murder insisted: ‘The Taliban may have killed Amjad Sabri,…

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Oh Banaz, why did you ruin our reputation?

Oh Banaz, why such an embarrassment? Oh Banaz, why claim you suffered from harassment? Oh Banaz, why not show dedication? Oh Banaz, why did you ruin our reputation?   Beaten, tortured and bruised until black and blue, Banaz suffered from…

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Womanhood Encaged

The poem is a living reminder of the monotonous life spent by a large number of Muslim women. Their desires and passion don’t die but are repressed by the gratuitous burden of pride and honour enforced by the patriarchal society….

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They say that we’re women

They say that we’re Queens     but a queen who can never rule her own kingdom They say that we’re Jewelry     but we’re not allowed to show how pretty and shiny we can be They say that our bodies are Precious…

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