sister-hood is an award-winning digital magazine spotlighting the diverse voices of women of Muslim heritage.


Aisha Ali-Khan

Aisha Ali-Khan is a teacher and human rights campaigner based in the UK. She won a settlement and public apology in a libel case last year against her former employer George Galloway after he made untrue and baseless allegations against her in order to try and damage her reputation and honour. Aisha now campaigns on issues around honour based violence and abuse, gender equality, and equal representation of women in politics.

Hijab: Ofsted should be addressing schools

A few weeks ago, a group of campaigners and activists met with Amanda Spielman, the Chief Inspector of Schools, to discuss the hijab, which is part of school uniform policy for one in five primary schools in the UK. Following…

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Hijab: Empowering or oppressive?

Aisha Ali-Khan has caused controversy by suggesting that hijabs should be banned in primary schools. In this article, she responds to some of her critics’ questions. Do you want to ban the hijab? No, absolutely not. I believe that everyone…

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Amir Khan’s low blows

Amir Khan’s Twitter announcement that his marriage was over was shocking enough. But then he followed it up with a series of ever more bizarre, disturbing and downright scandalous tweets in which he accused his now estranged wife, Faryal Makhdoom,…

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Like a virgin..?

Last week a good friend of mine shared a tweet to our private Facebook group. The tweet, ‘How to find out if she’s a virgin’ was posted by a ‘sheikh’ in support of his ‘Game of Marriage’ course, a free…

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