sister-hood is an award-winning digital magazine spotlighting the diverse voices of women of Muslim heritage.




What it means to be a White Muslim

‘Where are you from?’ ‘I grew up here, actually.’ ‘No, but where are you really from? Like really?’ I pause and take an uncomfortable look around. ‘Well, my ethnicity is Afghani.’ A short silence usually follows the last part of…

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You say your background was the same as mine, And you’re a friend so I don’t want to make you feel bad But you’re getting wronger and wronger every time So I go along with it Longer and longer I…

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One of those girls

I am problematic. I never intended for it to be this way, it’s just who I am; and sometimes I wish I wasn’t. I come from a relatively liberal Egyptian-Canadian Muslim household. The keyword being relative: in comparison to other…

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Living between two worlds

A Muslim, yet not. Growing up, my faith always wavered. I never stayed true to being the conventional Muslim my Mother wanted me to be. She always had to force me to pray, always had to police my clothes, always…

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womanness: a poem film

There are times When I’m browsing through the market And I am struck By my Womanness It sneaks around the corner Maybe I’ll see it In the eyes of a stranger lingering too long In the gruff holler of a…

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Rants and Raves

Litteraturhuset So I am standing outside the Litteraturhuset in Oslo, Norway doing last minute advertising for an event which is in an hour’s time. This Norwegian lady comes up to me and starts talking Norwegian to me. I ask ‘Can…

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I am torn between two cultures

Hijab or hooking up? Alcohol or Allah? It can be a strain for young Muslims to reconcile their faith while growing up in a permissive Western society. Part of being human is making decisions. Decisions that have a great effect…

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Identity How do I see myself? How do I want others to see me? Which of these is my identity? One, both or neither? I realise every time I meet someone I want to share with them The essence of…

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