sister-hood is an award-winning digital magazine spotlighting the diverse voices of women of Muslim heritage.




Resistance, solidarity and Dina Ali

On April 10th, Dina Ali Lasloom, a 24-year-old Saudi woman, stepped off a plane in Manila on her way to seek asylum in Australia only to find herself detained by authorities in the airport. A video shows her left shoulder…

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Love letter to my Muslim girls

Cheers to my Muslim girls in every corner and crook of the world. I see you and acknowledge you. Cheers to the girl in hijab and the one without. Cheers to the girl who gets bullied, to the girl who…

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Consent not required

In the April of last year I met someone and unexpectedly fell in love. At 25 years old, and having grown up seeing dysfunctional marriages all around me, I had never prioritized marriage as a goal. Instead I parked my…

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womanness: a poem film

There are times When I’m browsing through the market And I am struck By my Womanness It sneaks around the corner Maybe I’ll see it In the eyes of a stranger lingering too long In the gruff holler of a…

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On the pornification of the female

Young women sexing the camera, or sexing one another. Mouths are open and inviting, tongues are licking, eyes are bed-roomed, breasts and asses are popping up at interesting (and I can’t imagine comfortable) angles. Any way you slice it, each…

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Happily ever after

I am constantly frustrated by topics concerning the role of women in society – from the stigmas and stereotypes and unequal treatment to the outdated representation in culture or religion. Not only do I have to deal with Western stereotypes of passive…

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sister-hood is currently on hiatus whilst we work on our relaunch. The site will still be available for your reading pleasure.

We'd like to thank all of our readers and contributors for their support over the years and look forward to coming back bigger, better and stronger.

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