The age of Trump: Day 17
Dear Friends, Today I made the uncomfortable decision to cancel a work trip to Germany. I was invited as a member of the UN Volunteers Experts Group to help plan the global report on Volunteerism. I was looking forward to…
Dear Friends, Today I made the uncomfortable decision to cancel a work trip to Germany. I was invited as a member of the UN Volunteers Experts Group to help plan the global report on Volunteerism. I was looking forward to…
Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini has been journaling events following the accession of Donald Trump to the Presidency. Day 6 Today, the madman in the White House signed an order that could mean that next time outside the US they could bar…
Day 10 And on the 10th day in the age of Trump… I lost my capacity to write a sentence or saying anything without swearing. Exhaustion is creeping in. Also it’s Monday and reality TV life has to give in…
Day 8 Today, apart from trying to understand what’s going on, the question has been ‘how do you maintain normalcy when all of a sudden you feel like you’re in a vast open prison?’ My apologies to my American friends…
Day 6 Ok folks, today the madman in the White House signed an order that could mean that next time I travel outside the US (i.e. February 6th), they could bar me from entry on my return because…. I’m a…
For those of us who ever feel conflicted about the United Nations, the past month has been an exercise in managing absurd cognitive dissonance. First, on October 21 2016, the United Nations announced that the 1940s comic book heroine, Wonder…
July was quite a month in America. After the ugliness of the Trump-led Republican National Convention, the Hillary-Bernie fest at the Democratic National Convention was a relief. Finally we got front row seats, listening to some of the most extraordinary…
From the morning after the Brexit vote, I’ve felt shell shocked and disconcerted. On a personal level I suddenly have this deep sense of ‘unbelonging’. I’ve lived in the US for 15 years but it’s always felt temporary: like living…
In 2016, across London, Washington, Brussels and New York: violent extremism is the topic du jour, with officials in the US government, the UN and across Europe busy developing policies and plans for action on ‘preventing or countering violent extremism’(P/CVE)….
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